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Vitamin D and Magnesium Part 4

The Nugent Report. The science behind health and nutrition. Welcome to this episode of the Nugent report, a definitive source for objective information on health and nutrition, featuring Dr. Steve Nugent, the renowned psychologist, author, public speaker, and expert on science, health, wellness, and nutrition. Be sure to visit our website at drnugent.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @thenugentreport.

Welcome to Nugent report. I’m Dr. Steve Nugent. In the last episode, we talked about blood testing for vitamin D and we talked about requirements and some important definitions. In this episode, we’re going to be talking about sources of vitamin D conversion from sunlight, a little bit about seafood and the benefits of vitamin D. Let’s talk about how you get vitamin D. The body is an amazingly adaptive organic machine. I’m not going to argue with anybody about how the adaptations occur or why the adaptations occur. The fact is we are adaptive. We have an adaptive nature. That’s the fact vitamin D is crucially important to your health and you aren’t designed to convert vitamin D from sunlight, although you do it less efficiently as you age, and you should get your vitamin D then from sunlight and preferably food. If those first two options don’t provide you with enough vitamin D, you have to use a food supplement.

It’s the only sensible alternative. The science is very strong and very clear about the need for vitamin D for healthy bones and teeth. I think just about everybody knows that, but you may not know that it’s also very important for your immune system and it’s even important for your mental health and thought processes. So vitamin D is a pretty amazing and pretty important nutrient. Now there’s a very significant amount of science to show us that as we age our ability to digest and absorb our nutrients, as well as our body’s efficiency in producing new cells, decreases steadily. Remember that strong, healthy bones require vitamin D not just calcium and not just magnesium. And as the bones get soft, we begin to see the obvious results in the aging population. Also, as we age, as I mentioned, our ability to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight decreases, this is why the RDA for vitamin D started at 8 70 and up increases by an additional 200 international units each day.

The typical source, as I’ve mentioned, the vitamin D it’s why they call it. The sunshine vitamin is sunlight. And the most abundant source of vitamin D from food is from seafood. Well, everybody’s been told for more than 50 years now that you should eat more seafood and less land animal. And the argument is all about cholesterol and heart disease, and all have different episodes about that. That bring you the truth of that, that you will be surprised, but for now, let’s talk about seafood in my lectures, all around the world, I have frequently discussed the environmental decline of our planet and the ever increasing level of toxins in our waterways. There are some lakes in North America where you are warned not to eat the fish at all the food and drug administration, the FDA in the United States. They actually have a list of fish, other website that you should not eat at all.

If you’re pregnant, you shouldn’t eat, or you should limit your about, and then they have a list of fish that you should limit, the amount that you consume. The folks, unlike my fish, I do. And all I’m here to do is to give you objective data. The decision is yours. You’re an adult. You decide, hopefully you’ll make wise decisions. You can’t do that unless you start with objective data. And this is while you’re learning information on these episodes on the nutrient report, much of which you’ve never heard before, because it’s important for your health decisions. I have a real thing about tuna. I love tuna, and I probably eat too much of it until that’s a decision that I make. You’ll find on the FDA website. As I say, they list the various fish. How many [inaudible] you should consume your limitations that you should make the, why do they do this?

I mean, everybody’s been told for more than 50 years that, well, gosh, seafood is the healthiest, right? Okay. Common sense. Seafood has no choice, but to be totally immersed in the water, just as the air we breathe is our atmosphere. The water is their atmosphere. And any toxin in that atmosphere is going to get into their tissue. In fact, there’s a lot of sea life that has to breathe by passing water through their tissue, which of course the water containing toxin will know as toxin through their tissue. I’m talking about all kinds of toxins and we won’t have other episodes on environmental toxins at water and food. And here we’ll talk about those in future episodes, but I can tell you right now, my friends, that there are toxins that you probably don’t even want to think about right now found in a lot of waterways.

In most cases, you can’t see or smell or taste the toxin until it becomes at such ridiculous levels that it’s far above safe intake levels far above. So the majority of the time we don’t see the toxin in the air or the water. We don’t taste it. You don’t smell it. There were only a few hundred chemicals that have been tested for safety and the majority have not been tested. We just make assumptions. Doesn’t sound very good, does it? So with this in mind, you’re going to have seafood. That’s going to have in it, whatever it was swimming, it sounds kind of unappetizing. Doesn’t it again, you’re going to have to make your own decisions. And I strongly suggest that you check that list of fish that you should either not eat, or you should live it. This is getting to be a much more serious problem than people know, or perhaps I should say, then people want to know if you love the outdoors as I do.

I love nature, I just love nature. And that poem, I think that I shall never see a thing as beautiful as a tree, that’s the way I feel too, I love nature. And it, it brings tears to my eyes. That’s what I think about what’s going on. But again, that’ll be different episodes back on track with vitamin D. So we’re going to have to limit our seafood intake. And even if we didn’t, could you get enough? Vitamin D could you eat enough seafood to get enough vitamin D if you are not properly synthesized in your vitamin D from sunlight, remembering that in the 21st century, the vast majority of work and recreational activities are indoor rather than outdoor. And in order for you to synthesize vitamin D from sunlight, you also require magnesium. That’s why these episodes are vitamin D and magnesium together, depending on which scientific study you read, some of them will tell you that at least 50% of the adult population is not getting enough.

Magnesium daily. Some studies will say up to 70% suffice it to say the majority of people are not getting enough magnesium every day. This is the reason that these two nutrients vitamin to get magnesium need to be discussed together. Let’s go back to sunlight for a moment. Remember in previous episodes, I discussed the fact that darker skin is a genetic adaptation to protect an individual from the potentially harmful effects of solar radiation, but genetic groups whose origin is closer to the pointer will have darker skin. And then as you move farther away from the equator skin tones get lighter. Again, that’s a genetic adaptation, lighter skin tones are going to absorb vitamin D more efficiently than darker was the darker, the skin tone. The less likely you are to efficiently synthesize vitamin D from sunlight. And the reverse is also true. So imagine that health problems that one might have, if they’re getting insufficient levels of vitamin D from sunlight or from diet.

Once again, as I said, hundreds of times in my global lectures, the modern diet simply does not provide sufficient nutrient for the majority of people. And most people do not make good dietary choices. So in the 21st century, so implementation is not a luxury. It’s a necessity for the individual really cares about their health. When it’s not provided through diet, it has to be provided through a dietary supplement. In the next episode, we’ll do the same thing with magnesium that we did for vitamin D in this episode until next time, this is Dr. Steve Nugent saying, stay safe, be sensible, stay objective.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Newton report, visit our website at drnugent.com for more objective facts about health and nutrition and email your questions and feedback to info@drnugent.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @thenugentreport, stay informed, get the facts with the Nugent report.

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第8期 维生素D与镁 第4部分 Dr. Nugent报告

Dr. Nugent报告,以科学方式分析健康与营养。欢迎收听本期“Dr. Nugent报告”,本节目由Dr. Steve Nugent主讲,为您提供健康和营养方面的优质客观信息。Dr. Steve Nugent是著名的心理学家、作家、公共演说家,也是科学、健康、保健和营养方面的专家。请访问我们的网站DrNugent.com,并在Facebook、Twitter和Instagram上关注@TheNugentreport。

欢迎收听Dr. Nugent报告。我是Dr. Steve Nugent。在上一讲中,我们谈到了维生素D血液检测,以及一些需求和重要概念。在本期节目中,我们将探讨人体主要从阳光中转化获得维生素D,再简要谈一下海鲜以及维生素D的益处。我们来聊一下维生素D的获取途径。人体是一个具体神奇适应性的有机体。我不准备讨论什么是适应性或者为什么人体具有适应性。事实情况就是我们具有适应性并且适应性是我们的本能。事实上,维生素D对人体健康至关重要。人们生来就可以将阳光转换成维生素D,但随着年龄增长,人体转换维生素D的效率会降低。所以人体也应当从阳光以及食物中获取维生素D。如果阳光和食物不能提供足够的维生素D,就必须服用食品补充剂。











再次强调一下,我在世界各地的讲座中已经说过,现代饮食无法为多数人提供足够的营养,而且大多数人的饮食选择并不理想。在21世纪,补充剂不是一种奢侈品。对于真正关心自身健康的人来说,它是一种必需品。如果饮食无法提供,就需要由饮食补充剂提供。在下一期节目中,我们将以同样的方式探讨镁元素。下期见。我是Dr. Steve Nugent。请大家多保重,保持理智,保持客观。

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