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Vitamin D and Magnesium Part 6

Are you looking for the science behind health and nutrition? Welcome to this episode of the Nugent report, a definitive source for objective information on health and nutrition, featuring Dr. Steve Nugent the renowned psychologist, author, public speaker, and expert on science, health, wellness, and nutrition. Be sure to visit our website at drnuget.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @thenugentreport.

Hello my friends, welcome to another episode of the Nugent report. I’m Dr. Steve Nugent. In this episode, we are going to conclude our series on vitamin D and magnesium. You may remember in part three of this series, I explained to you the differences between a nutrient deficiency and nutrient inadequacy. That podcast addressed the vitamin D, but in this podcast, we’ll focus on magnesium first we’ll address deficiencies. Magnesium deficiency typically needs to become quite severe before a person starts to show any symptoms. One of the many duties of the kidneys is to limit the amount of magnesium that can be excreted at any time. Individuals who are alcohol dependent or who consume consistently high levels of alcohol are among the first to become magnesium deficient. Another group that’s at risk, but rarely gets the attention that they require. In my opinion, or individuals who are using proton pump inhibitors or PPIs have also discussed this. Previously, these drugs are used to kill the acid producing pumps in the stomach are typically prescribed for chronic heartburn and acid reflux.

They also contribute very significantly to magnesium deficiency. In my opinion, it’s prudent for individuals to supplement magnesium. If they’re using PPIs chronically the prescribing physician may or may not be aware of this. Once again, remember the amount of magnesium in your blood is only 1% of the total magnesium. And if that’s the only investigation your physician is doing, it’s probable that he or she may not know that you need to supplement more magnesium people with type two diabetes, by the way, are also often prone to magnesium deficiencies. If you’re in one of these categories, I would advise to ask your physician, if he or she thinks that you should be supplementing magnesium at request the appropriate tests, ultimately your health decisions should be made jointly between you and your physician. At this point, you might be thinking, how would I know if I’m deficient? What kind of indicators might I look for?

Once again, my first recommendation is consult your physician and get the appropriate tests. But there are some indicators that might motivate you to talk to your physician, perhaps a little bit sooner. Keep in mind that nutritional biochemistry is not a set of absolutes and symptoms can vary between individuals. So having one of the long list of symptoms, doesn’t confirm that you have a deficiency, nor is it necessary for you to have all of the symptoms to confer that you have a deficiency. So I’ll give you a list of things, fatigue, weakness, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. These are all common. And they’re common in the early stages of deficiency. The longer the deficiency goes on. And the more deficient you become, you may begin to experience symptoms that relate to the nervous system, such as numbness or tingling, or even seizures in extreme cases. Remembering that muscles require magnesium to relax, calcium causes your muscles to contract.

You may begin to experience muscle contractions that some people describe as Charlie horses. Muscle cramps may occur if you are deficient in magnesium. Remembering that magnesium is essential to brain health, you may be experiencing personality changes, particularly anxiety. Returning to the idea that your heart is the most important muscle cardiac arrhythmia may also occur. Once again, as I’ve cautioned before cardiac arrhythmia may have several different causes. So consult your physician if your heart is not beating in normal rhythm and make sure that you get the appropriate tests from that physician. Remember also that magnesium is required for the transport of calcium and potassium. This may result in something called hypocalcemia, which is low calcium or hypokalemia, which is low potassium. And finally, remember my theory that many people with vitamin D deficiencies actually require magnesium supplementation to solve those deficiencies.

There are also several gastrointestinal disorders that can cause chronic diarrhea and fat malabsorption individuals who suffer from these conditions may find themselves deficient in magnesium. It’s also important to note that individuals who have had gastrointestinal bypass or resection, they also become magnesium deficient as mentioned previously, magnesium is essential to produce energy through glycolysis. It’s also essential to maintain normal, healthy blood sugar through a rather complex set of steps in type two diabetics, depending on the amount of insulin that they are producing, as well as people with insulin resistance, the kidneys may excrete higher than normal amounts of magnesium as a result of these concentrations of glucose in the kidneys. So this can also contribute to magnesium deficiency. According to study, as we age, our intake of magnesium reduces to compound the problem. Typically magnesium absorption decreases and magnesium excretion from the kidneys increases. And these can be significant contributing factors to magnesium deficiency in the elderly.

Let’s talk about high blood pressure. There are those in the nutritional community that will swear by magnesium or lowering blood pressure. If you study the mechanics, it’s very logical to assume that it would have a positive effect on blood pressure. There are some medical studies. However, that show that the effect is small, although positive. Why is there a difference? The study is only as good as its design. And as I’ve mentioned before, and will no doubt say often in the future, garbage in garbage out, that’s a common phrase taught to new information technology students in college. It applies to scientific study as well. You can have a brilliant researcher. The researcher may be a master of statistics, but if that researcher begins with a design or begins with information, which is flawed, then their testing method is going to be flood. They will end up with a flood result since magnesium is an intracellular mineral, and only 1% of your body’s total magnesium is found in the serum.

The studies that measuring serum magnesium as their only gauge for change already sacrificed the possibility of having complete data and virtually in none of those cases with any researchers I’ve spoken with. Were they aware that there are better ways to test for magnesium, including what I’ve previously discussed regarding red blood cell magnesium tests? So whenever I look at a study on magnesium absorption, the first thing I look at is their testing methods. There are many forms of baggies available for supplementation as well, and that can also affect the results of a scientific study. Some forms of magnesium supplements are not well absorbed. Well, others have almost astounding absorption rates. Sometimes when there’s a lack of solid data, assumptions are made based on correlation. As an example, patients using proton pump inhibitors for acid reflux may become deficient in magnesium over time. However, we must also factor in that they are continuing to age as well.

This means that their ability to efficiently digest is almost certainly decreasing with age at the same time. So we need to separate the reduction in magnesium absorption due to age factors versus reduction in magnesium absorption, due to acid reflux, drugs, or magnesium absorption, as it’s known in various forms of magnesium dietary supplements, all of these variables have to be considered in the beginning of this series of podcasts on magnesium and vitamin D. We of course started speaking about osteoporosis. Most people, when you say bone health, the reflex response is to think calcium. However, as we have previously covered, magnesium is required to transport calcium ions to the bone. And magnesium is also required for the conversion and utilization of vitamin D. So this brings us back to the beginning. Scientific studies are quite expensive. There has to be a significant motivation to spend that money.

This is what are more studies on drugs than there are on nutrients. It’s also why some nutrients have very few studies women all over the planet have been thoroughly psychologically conditioned to believe that they need more calcium for bone health. Most of them have no idea that other nutrients are required. So many studies on calcium bone, but many fewer on magnesium in bone health. One notable study done on post-menopausal women showed that adding 290 milligrams a day of magnesium in the form of magnesium citrate [inaudible] suppressed bone cell turnover, as compared to the placebo. What does that mean in play? Like it means that this is an indicator of supplemental magnesium decreasing bone loss in post-menopausal women. By the way, calcium [inaudible] is not as well absorbed as some other forms of calcium. So the numbers in this study have they used a different, better absorbed form of calcium might’ve been much stronger. Remember garbage in, garbage out.

Finally, let’s end this segment about magnesium by talking about the potential toxicity if you take too much. Throughout my career, I’ve been asked the same common questions. When talking about dietary supplements, what do I take? How much do I take? How long will it take for me to get results? And also ask questions about safety on a pretty regular basis. One of those questions is how much is too much? Magnesium toxicity is quite where toxic effects of magnesium or typically experienced in doses greater than 5,000 milligrams per day. That’s for people with normal kidney function. But for those with impaired kidney function, symptoms of toxicity may come at much lower amounts. But my friends, this concludes the series on vitamin D and magnesium. I hope you found this information useful. I hope you will apply it to your personal health program. Until next time, be safe, be sensible, be objective.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Nugent report. Visit our website at drnugent.com for more objective facts about health and nutrition and email your questions and feedback to info@drnugent.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at the Nugent report. Stay informed, get the facts with the Nugent report.

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第10期 维生素D与镁 第5部分 Dr. Nugent报告

Dr. Nugent报告,以科学方式分析健康与营养。欢迎收听本期“Dr. Nugent报告”,本节目由Dr. Steve Nugent博士主讲,为您提供健康和营养方面的优质客观信息。Dr. Steve Nugent是著名的心理学家、作家、公共演说家,也是科学、健康、保健和营养方面的专家。请访问我们的网站drnuget.com,并在Facebook、Twitter和Instagram上关注@TheNugentreport。

观众朋友们,大家好!欢迎收听新一期的Dr. Nugent报告。我是Dr. Steve Nugent。本期节目是“维生素D和镁”系列的最后一讲。大家可能记得,在本系列的第三讲中,我解释了营养缺乏和营养不足的区别。那期播客讨论了维生素D,但在本期播客中,我们将关注镁。我们先来讨论一下镁缺乏症。镁缺乏如果出现症状,说明情况已经相当严重。肾脏的功能之一是限制镁的排放量。酒精依赖人群或持续摄入高浓度酒精的人群最容易缺镁。我认为,还有一个通常被忽视的风险群体,即正在使用质子泵抑制剂的人群,我们之前也讨论过这个问题。在以前,此类药物常用来抑制胃酸,用于治疗慢性胃灼热和反酸。










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