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Vitamin D and Magnesium Part 5

Did you perform the science behind health and nutrition? Welcome to this episode of the Nugent report, a definitive source for objective information on health and nutrition, featuring Dr. Steve Nugent, the renowned psychologist, author, public speaker, and an expert on science, health, wellness, and nutrition. Be sure to visit our website at drnugent.com and follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram at @thenugentreport.

Friends, welcome to another episode of the Nugent report. I’m Dr. Steve Nugent. This is part four in our series on vitamin D and magnesium. And what we’re going to do in this part is we’re going to be answering some questions about how much magnesium you need by age and gender, what the food sources of magnesium or, and the benefits of magnesium first, what is magnesium? Well, magnesium is an essential mineral, as I’ve explained previously, essential means your body must have it, but your body cannot make it. So it must be obtained from a source outside of your body. In the case of magnesium, preferably it would be from food, but as I will discuss, the majority of people are not getting sufficient magnesium from diet alone. So we must also discuss the idea of food supplements since the body is incapable of producing minerals, the list of essential minerals are well quite low.

In fact, you would think they’re all of equal importance. If your health will decline at that decline could eventually result in death because you are significantly deficient in an essential mineral, then they must all be of little value, right? Well, maybe not. In fact, magnesium is towards the very top of my list. If I could find the time, I could probably take some real joy at writing an entire book about magnesium and its functions. However, a podcast must be by its nature. Magnesium is one of those nutrients where I would say to someone in a social setting, don’t get me started on that mineral because it could take me orders to explain it. Well, we will take hours at this podcast. In my lectures globally many people have heard me talk about enzymes and in most cases, the discussions have been around digestive enzymes.

However, there are thousands of enzymes. Only a small number have anything to do with digestion. Remembering my statement that no nutrient is an island onto itself. Magnesium is one of those examples. Magnesium is an essential cofactor in at least 300 different enzymes. The systems regulate a very wide range of crucial functions in the body. Some of which we will cover in the next few minutes, magnesium is an intracellular mineral. That means it functions inside of cells, not just in serum or blood. So as an [inaudible] mineral it’s essential for really an astounding number of biochemical reactions in your body. And we may only be able to touch on the surface of those in this spot. The majority of people that I’ve interacted with more than 40 countries seem to have their understanding of magnesium, generally limited to LC of utilization. There are a few exceptions, of course, however, it’s rare to find someone who understands the broad range of functions of this incredibly important mineral.

Through my career every time I’ve recommended magnesium, the first literally knee-jerk reaction that I’ll get will be something to the effect of when I take a calcium magnesium product or there’s calcium magnesium in my multiple vitamin, then I have to explain to them that calcium will use up whatever magnesium it requires for transport. And if you require additional magnesium or specific functions of calcium, magnesium supplement will typically not do the job. It’s absolutely true that calcium ions cannot be transported without magnesium. And therefore magnesium is as important for bone health as calcium is. In fact, there are some experts who are telling us that the modern diet provides too much calcium. I know you haven’t heard that before, but they’re telling us that the modern diet is giving us far too much calcium for many people and far too little magnesium. Some of those experts are recommending that we stopped supplementing calcium and increased supplementation of magnesium.

I’ll discuss this idea in further detail later, anyone who’s ever had a heart attack or a heart attack victim has at least some limited knowledge of the importance of potassium. But you may not know that potassium like calcium can only be transported by interacting with magnesium few people know. And I can tell you from my lectures, that few doctors know that magnesium is also a central for blood sugar control. What pressure regulation, protein synthesis. Yes, normal, healthy levels of blood sugar and blood pressure are both impacted and are significantly dependent on the presence of magnesium. The process, as it relates to blood sugar is called [inaudible]. And it’s an enzymatic process, which involves magnesium in 10 primary steps. Each with a separate enzyme. I won’t get into the full complexity of glycolysis in this podcast, but rather just give you some basics.

You will recognize some of the things that I’m about to discuss. It begins with glucose, which is then converted to pirate Bay. And then the steps continue so that you have the production of something called ATP, the full name of it, which is a Adenosine triphosphate it also results in the production of something called an NDH, which is nicotine [inaudible] nucleotide. I think you could see why dietary supplement companies simply use the letters NDH on the label. This multi-step process is too complex to cover the podcast, but suffice it to say that energy production through glycolysis will not occur with a magnesium. Yes, the very same mineral required for relaxation and sleep is also required to produce energy. It’s all about which enzyme systems it’s reacting with. Magnesium is also essential for [inaudible] oxidative stress because it’s part of the essential process of your body to produce its own [inaudible].

When you hear the letters DNA, of course, it conjures up lots of genetics, which is correct, but you may not know that magnesium is required for its production. In fact, magnesium is required for the synthesis of both DNA, the Deoxyribonucleic acid, and RNA that’s Ribonucleic acid. Magnesium is also vital for muscle function. The most important muscle of your body obviously is your heart muscle because magnesium is required for nervous system function. It is also essential for the regulation of your heart rhythm. Sometimes arrhythmia or the heart out of rhythm means that you have a deficiency in magnesium, but that is not always the case. There’s a caution here for everyone. Arrhythmia can be caused by a number of different factors. So if you’re experiencing irregular heartbeat, contact your physician right away, go fool around with this, get an expert opinion at the appropriate tests as quickly as possible.

What about muscle preps? Well, again, most people think calcium first calcium causes your muscles to contract and magnesium causes your muscles to relax. Very often. Muscle spasms and muscle prepping is due to having insufficient magnesium in the muscle. Adding more calcium for the crabs may actually make things worse. Remember the previous discussion on blood tests with magnesium. Although serum calcium is an accurate way to evaluate your calcium levels. Serum magnesium is typically not. It has been my experience at working with physicians for decades, that many of them had no idea how crucial magnesium was or that patients in particular situations required supplemental magnesium, because they relied on serum magnesium as their only gauge, which almost always shows normal since only 1% of your body’s total magnesium is in your blood. This goes back to one of my earlier questions in the series of episodes.

When someone is showing a deficiency on vitamin D, do they really need magnesium supplementation? It’s been my experience that they often do. On drnugent.com you will find the tables you need for reference, the dealer requirements from the food nutrition board or F and B of the American national academies and the food sources from the US department of agriculture, better known as the USDA. Magnesium is required at every age and as you will see from the reference charts on this website, there are some pretty significant increases in magnesium required at certain ages, starting with the minimum requirement for infants up to six months, old of 30 milligrams daily, by the time a person reaches the age of 31 males require a minimum of 420 milligrams and females 320 milligrams. As I mentioned before, generally not always males require higher levels of most nutrients than females.

If you’re pregnant nursing, you will want to consult the chart because that differs not only between those two factors, but also with age. And those two factors is I always say the best way to get your nutrition is from food, that after all is the way your body was designed. However, as we’ve already established, the modern diet often provides a less than adequate levels of various nutrients and that’s why we turn to supplements. On drnugent.com. You will see a chart of common food sources for magnesium provided by the national institutes of health, how you adjust your personal diet and the choices you make is entirely up to you. But if you’re getting less than adequate levels of magnesium from your dietary choices, you need to start supplementing magnesium right away, depending on which source you consult. You may see authors that say as few as 48% of people, or as many as 70% of the population are getting less than adequate levels of magnesium from diet alone.

The reason these numbers vary so much, just because of the way they’re making their comparisons, suffice it to say the majority of people are probably not getting sufficient magnesium from diet alone. My experience from using RBC magnesium, as well as serum magnesium, is that the numbers lean closer to the 70% Mark, but we’re not going to split hairs in this podcast. I’ve provided you with the information regarding the minimum daily requirements and the food sources. So now the rest is up to you ensure that you get the appropriate tests. If you’re experiencing any symptoms such as heart arrhythmia, make sure that you see your physician and get the appropriate tests don’t fool around with this. My friends, your health is your most valuable thing. Thanks for listening to this episode of the Nugent report until next time, be safe, be sensible and be objective.

Thanks for listening to this episode of the Nugent report. Visit our website at drnugent.com for more objective facts about health and nutrition and email your questions and feedback to info@drnugent.com. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @thenugentreport. Stay informed, get the facts with the Nugent report.

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第9期 维生素D与镁 第4部分 Dr. Nugent报告

Dr. Nugent报告,以科学方式分析健康与营养。欢迎收听本期“Dr. Nugent报告”,本节目由Dr. Steve Nugent主讲,为您提供健康和营养方面的优质客观信息。Dr. Steve Nugent是著名的心理学家、作家、公共演说家,也是科学、健康、保健和营养方面的专家。请访问我们的网站DrNugent.com,并在Facebook、Twitter和Instagram上关注@TheNugentreport。

朋友们,大家好!欢迎收听新一期的Dr. Nugent报告。我是Dr. Steve Nugent。这是“维生素D和镁”系列的第四讲。在这一讲,我们要回答一些问题:不同年龄和性别对镁元素的需求量有什么差异?镁的食物来源有哪些?镁有什么作用?但首先,我们先来回答什么是镁?镁是一种必需矿物质,我之前解释过,“必需”意味着人体需要但却无法自己产生,因此只能从外界获取。就镁而言,最好通过食物获取,但正如我将要谈论的,大多数人仅通过饮食无法获得足够的镁。因此,我们还必须讨论食品补充剂,因为人体无法产生矿物质,必需矿物质的清单比较短。










这些数字之所以有如此大的差异,是因为他们进行比较的方式不同,但我们可以得出,大多数人可能无法单纯通过饮食获得足够的镁。根据我在红细胞镁以及血清镁检测方面的经验来看,实际数字更接近70%,但我不想在播客中吹毛求疵。我已经向大家提供了每日最低需求和食物来源的相关信息。现在,大家要做的是,进行适当的检测。如果有任何症状(如心律不齐),一定要看医生,并得到适当的检测,不要掉以轻心。朋友们,健康最宝贵。感谢收听本期Dr. Nugent报告。下期见。请多保重,保持理性,保持客观。

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